Three Lesser Known Facts About Locksmiths

Three Lesser Known Facts About Locksmiths

24 January 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Unbeknown to most people, locksmithing is an ancient profession. Today, locksmiths offer their services to various industries since security and safety continue to be significant concerns. For many clients, choosing the right locksmith is not just a matter of picking up the phone and calling a service provider. Notably, learning as much as possible about the profession helps customers make sound decisions by hiring a dependable locksmith. One area you can start with is familiarising yourself with specific facts about locksmiths.

Apprenticeship is Non-Negotiable

There are many professions where candidates present their papers and get a job. However, the locksmith profession is quite different because one must undergo an apprenticeship before getting hired. Even if you attended a trade school to train in locksmithing, you would still have to work under the apprenticeship of an experienced supervisor before becoming a full-fledged service provider. Locksmith apprenticeship is critical for learning tricks of the trade and for ethical reasons. Since locksmiths deal with locks in residential homes and commercial facilities, a mentor will use the apprenticeship as an opportunity to screen you for honesty and trustworthiness.

Multiple Callouts Are Common

When an individual is locked out of their house in the middle of the night or cannot access essential documents in their car, panic sets in. Thus, it is common for clients in distress to call multiple locksmiths and let the service provider who arrives first work on their lock. Unfortunately, it is often a source of frustration for many locksmiths, some of whom drive several miles to a client's location. While it is understandable to panic in such situations, it is advisable to call one locksmith rather than several. The reason is that there could be another customer in dire need of locksmithing services, but they might have to wait longer since several providers are headed their way. Even if you call multiple locksmiths, cancel the rest once a provider arrives at your home or premises.

Annual Lockpicking Championship for Locksmiths

Just like computer hackers have an annual hacking event, locksmiths participate in a yearly lock picking championship. The international event is open to all locksmiths worldwide and acts as a form of advertisement. Notably, highly secure locks have become expensive and sophisticated. Therefore, the last thing a customer needs is a locksmith who is quick to knock off a lock since they cannot pick it. By participating in the annual championship, a locksmith sends the message that they can offer solutions without damaging or replacing their clients' expensive locks. It is an attractive attribute that goes a long way in drawing new customers.

Contact a local locksmith service to learn more.

About Me
Your Essential Selection Guide for Locks

Be it at home or in a commercial establishment, potential danger and insecurity linger everywhere. That’s why locks are a must-have feature of almost every home or business premises. Although we don’t run a locksmith business, we understand that many homeowners and businesses struggle with selecting the best locks for their needs. There are too many choices available on the market and this can be an overwhelming thing. Our website provides information on the different types of locks sold out there. This information is intended to equip people with the knowledge they need to make informed choices for lock installation.
